Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ode to October

Holy moley what a month! It consisted movie making, wedding preparedness, six test, one human factors project , limited clothes washing/ showers,  snow, and me buying a donut and coke together at 7-11 out of desperation. I have one more test and then I'm ( limitedly) free !

Pretty much what this all boils down to is me being at the quite study area in the library all day with the Asian guy who is here as much as I am. It's like we have a secret relationship. He gets here at 8 am and leaves around 7 pm. He goes out for a smoke break every hr and when he comes back he ALWAYS puts western family aloe lotion on his hands. I think that part is kinda weird but i bet he has really soft hands and he's got my back if I have to leave my stuff for a moment and as do I.

No fear my friends with much hard work comes payoff and rest. And as soon as I take this last test I am on my way to california for a little beach basking, and sister weddingness . And somewhere in there a tad bit o wine.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012