Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Mornings

In the morning after im done at the gym I sit on my front porch...
with precisely brewed coffee
my path tracker
yoga mat
& a book.
Sometimes I water the grass if it wants me too.
I soak in the rise of the sun and let the world slowly wake up before me.
I like Summer Mornings.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happenings In The Coffee Shop...

I brewed my own coffee.

A couple walked in. The man was all over her. Touching her hair, setting his hand right above her back pocket, putting his arm around her shoulder. He acted giddy. He reminded me of a teenage boy. She seemed non responsive. He may need some help with her love language.

Plumber butt man was here. Was IT showing? Yes.

Band: The Colorful Quiet, Song: survival. I enjoy the lyrics.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This morning I met up with Mike for a photography lesson. He brought two 5d eos cannon dslr cameras with 70-300 mm lens (very pricey). I learned so much on how to control the camera shutter speeds, fstops, af's, filters. Im going to meet up with him either tomorrow during sunrise or sunset for more practice

A few Mike has taken

Photos i took this morning
Im not in love with any of these.
But i feel proud knowing i controlled depth of field,
how much light entered the lens, focus points,
and correct shade of filter.

I wish i had more interesting subjects (wink wink)
I am not really into landscape.
But for learning mechanical functions it will have to do.
I feel privileged to be able to find someone so willingly to teach me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is me. At work. On top of Molly's Nipple.

I was talking to a fellow Wind walker, he mentioned how he had backpacked the Appalachian Trail last summer. I thought this was cool-ish.
I became mesmerized after he later mentioned it is 2178 miles! It took him 5 1/2 months.
"What? People do this
kind of activity!"
Yeah, Crazyness.
It passes through 14 east coast states and is lined with small towns, hostels, and good natured people along the way.
You already know what im thinking...
It would be amazing...
Think about it... :)